Recycling Process

National collection coverage

to process all types of e-waste.

The company has invested significantly in the latest technology and has visited many of the major e-waste recycling operations throughout the world to develop its Australian business.

As a recently appointed fully compliant member of the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS) we offer a comprehensive end of life national collection service which is co-ordinated through our state offices. Each state will have its own processing facility with downstream separation being implemented through our specialized sorting equipment which recovers metals down to 1mm diameter in size.

A key strength of our national collection service is the flexibility to integrate with both our metal and battery recycling businesses whose trucking fleets are constantly moving throughout the country and can ensure we meet our commitment to member organisations of the NTCRS, general industry and council collection depots.

Eco e-waste have AS/NZ 5377:2013 certification which means as one of the five approved members of the National Television and Computer Recycling System (NTCRS) we are qualified to work with our partners to reduce the impact of television and e-waste products on the environment across the collection storage, transport, and treatment of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment. 

Using best-practice health, safety, and environmental processes we are committed to reducing the impact of substances, contained in e-waste, on the health and safety of all Australians.